2021 In Review
A little photo gallery looking back at some of our projects from last year. We did a little bit of everything- art fabrication, sculpture, model making, exhibit design, custom fabrication and theming.

Firewood rack sculpted mostly from foam, hard coated and painted, with fire-treated elements. Custom made for Sunday River Grand Summit Hotel.

One of a matched pair of retro sci-fi decor elements produced for the Venetian Soda Lounge. These pieces go floor to ceiling, approximately 12' each.

We carved a design in hardwood on our CNC machine, then carefully poured an epoxy inlay. One of two such pieces made for Rooted Yoga.

A close look at our interactive compost educational display. Sculpted and fabricated models shown. Go to the Projects page to learn more.

One of ten test tube planters we created with customized faux foliage and water clear resin. For Data Innovations' offices.

We completed our 2020-2021 project with the Barre Rotary creating over 20 fiberglass race car models, 1930's coupes and late models (shown here). They were part of a charity fundraiser.

A gratifying series of special projects to repair and renovate three figures for the Ronald McDonald house. This one needed a new head, repairs and fresh paint.

A sneak peek of a project started in late '21. Follow our social media to see how the turn out.

Custom made "antique" windmill for Sunday River Grand Summit Hotel. Made from brand new sheet metal, hand formed and painted to appear vintage.

A peek inside the 1:24 scale tabletop model we built for Beta Technologies that lives in their Washington, DC offices.

One of many interactive items we designed and built for the Casella Resource Rover traveling exhibit. Check out the projects page for a more in depth look.

Private commission outdoor sculpture.

Private commission with special meaning for the family. This sculpture was installed on the playground of an elementary school.

One of many resin cast model aircraft we created for Beta Technologies. For a closer look at this project follow the link to the projects page.