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Resource Rover

The Resource Rover is a 20' shipping container that we have converted into a mobile educational outreach exhibit.

It was a rewarding challenge to conceptualize, design and build this project.


Within the container, five interactive stations engage the public on the topics of composting, recycling and trash in a fun and accessible way.   In addition to the five primary exhibits, we converted the cab of a garbage truck into a highly interactive attraction that serves visually and spatially as the hub of the experience.


Though delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rover made its debut in October 2021 at an event in Bethlehem, New Hampshire.

Client:  Casella Waste Systems

Year: 2020 - 2021

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3D Printing

Both FDM and SLA printing were put to good use throughout the Rover.  This image shows a scene being composed at the top of our landfill cross-section model.  Heavy duty vehicles (all approximately 1.5"-2" long) are hard at work managing the day's trash - the large pile is made in translucent resin and illuminated from within by guests when they touch a certain button.  These SLA prints offer material versatility and incredible detail, even at this small scale.

Resin 3D Printed Scale Models

Interactive Truck

From micro to macro - the reclaimed garbage truck cab is getting outfitted by the Arcana team to become a centerpiece to the Rover.  We engineering and built a system to safely stow the truck inside of the shipping container for travel, but when the exhibit is open to the public, the truck is deployed outside of the container.  Guests are encouraged to climb inside and discover an array of interactive elements including videos, lights and sound effects.

Outfitting the Rover Truck Cab

Hidden Technology = Magic

Buttons are fine- the Rover has its share of buttons, but this interactive map

uses hidden technologies in the sculptures and models to offer a more magical experience.  The map illustrates the life cycle of recycles, from raw materials to consumer goods to useful recycled material that continues the journey.  Using special paint or conductive 3D printing filament, we were able to make each piece a button or sensor that triggers an informative audio track.

Touch interactive recycling map

Hidden Tech Part 2

We like the experience when you don't know or at least can't see how an interactive works.  We designed a game where guests must use their knowledge of "what goes where" to sort the sculpted tokens into their proper bins - trash, recycling and compost in order to win.  Each bin has a hidden RFID reader look for its particular type of item (ie. trash, etc) and each token has an embedded RFID tag which tells a reader what it is (ie. compost, etc).

Sculpted RFID Game Pieces_2

Audio and Video Content

One of our goals was to offer guests a rich, multi-sensory experience.  We researched and wrote copy for signage and scripts for both video and voiceover.  We produced all of the audio - narration, sound effects and music as well as the "Compost Q&A" video exhibit with the help of some of our talented collaborators and key freelance team members.

Compost Q & A video station


The Arcana Workshop, LLC

309 S Barre Rd, Barre, VT 05641  |  Tel: 802-622-0221


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 Copyright 2024 by the Arcana Workshop, LLC.

 Images used by permission.  All Rights Reserved.

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